Monday, May 13, 2013

InterSession Begins today May 13 to May 23

It is not to late to sign up for InterSession! Just bring payment to the pool today along with the InterSession form and you can begin.

Ages 8 and under: 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Ages 9 and up: 4:30pm to 5:30pm

May 13 to May 23.

Cost is $88 payable to: Woodbury Aquatics

What is the difference between InterSession and a regular session?

InterSession is a 2 week camp, where the coaches are in the water and are running different stations for 20 minutes then they rotate. These classes are less swimming and more instruction with the coach demonstrating. InterSession occurs at the end or beginning of regular sessions.
Regular Session is an 8 week class with the coaches on the deck, giving swim drills, training, endurance, as well as stroke.

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